10 Things You Didn’t Know about Black History Month

Carlo Haseltine


Black History Month is a time to celebrate the history and culture of African Americans. It’s also a chance to learn about important figures like Frederick Douglass and Rosa Parks, whose contributions helped shape the country we know today. However, there are plenty of lesser-known facts about Black History Month that will surprise you — even if you’re an expert on all things black!

A month of observance focused on African-American culture and history was created by a man who was born in Mexico.

While you may be familiar with the history of Black History Month, it’s likely that you don’t know the full story behind its creation.

In 1909, W.E.B. Du Bois was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and later moved to Atlanta at age 3 before moving again to New York City at 19 years old. He went on to become one of the most influential African-American intellectuals in U.S history as well as an advocate for civil rights who helped found several organizations dedicated to social justice including The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In addition to his contributions within academia and politics, Du Bois also wrote several books including The Souls of Black Folk which won him a Pulitzer Prize nomination!

At 60 years old–and after having lived abroad for many years–Du Bois decided he wanted something different from life; so he moved back home again…to Ghana!

Section: The date Black History Month is celebrated varies from year to year.

The date Black History Month is celebrated varies from year to year.

The second Monday in February has been designated as the official date of Black History Month since 1976, but it can fall on any day between February 1 and 28. This means that there’s a chance you could be celebrating your favorite holiday with family or friends on the same day that they’re honoring their favorite historical figures–like Frederick Douglass or Abraham Lincoln!

Section: The first week of February is designated as National African American History Week, not just for Black History Month.

The first week of February is designated as National African American History Week, not just for Black History Month.

Since 1976, the last week in February has been celebrated as Black History Month. There is no official start date for this observance–it varies from year to year depending on when Presidents’ Day falls on the calendar (if it falls before or after Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday). In 2019, it will be celebrated from February 2nd through 28th.

Black History Month isn’t a federal holiday or religious observance; rather it’s an opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds to learn about our nation’s diverse heritage and history through education programs and events across the country that highlight African American achievements in science and technology; sports; politics; music industry etc…

The National Museum of African American History and Culture opened to the public on Sept. 24, 2016 — after 10 years of planning and construction at a cost of $540 million.

Located in Washington D.C., it’s the only national museum dedicated to African American history and culture in the United States.

In 1905, a group of African Americans led by W. E. B. Du Bois formed the Niagara Movement to fight against racial discrimination and inequality in America through nonviolent means. The organization was named after its first meeting place, Niagara Falls, Ontario (Canada).

The Niagara Movement was a forerunner to today’s NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), which was founded in 1909 by W.E.B Du Bois as well as Walter Francis White and Joel Elias Spingarn among others.[4]

  • Black History Month is a celebration of the achievements and history of African Americans.
  • It’s celebrated from February 1 through February 28, with the first week being designated as National African American History Week.
  • The originator of Black History Month was Dr. Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950), an educator and historian who founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH). He was also known as “The Father of Black History”. In 1926 he launched Negro History Bulletin, which became ASNLH’s official publication in 1927 under its new name Journal of Negro History.” He believed that studying black history would help people understand current events better; it would also show how far we’ve come since slavery ended in 1865–and how far we still have left to go when it comes to equality among races today.”


Black History Month, a celebration of African-American history and culture, is observed in the United States of America during February. It was created by Dr. Carter G. Woodson as a way to commemorate the achievements of black people in history and honor their heritage. This month is also known as “African-American History Month” or “National African American History Month.”

The observance began on Feb. 1st 1924 when Dr. Woodson founded Negro History Week (now known as Black History Month) at Washington D.C.’s Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASNLH). The ASNLH was an organization dedicated to promoting African American historical research through publications like “The Journal of Negro History” which Dr. Woodson founded in 1915 while he was still an undergraduate student at Harvard University where he earned both his bachelor’s degree and master’s degree before going on to earn his Phd from Harvard University as well–so it’s safe to say he knew what he was doing when it came down do creating something like this!


Black History Month is an important time to reflect on the history of African Americans and their contributions to society. It’s also a great opportunity for people of all backgrounds to learn more about this rich culture by visiting museums, attending events or watching films about black history.

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