What I Celebrated Most About Christmas

Introduction I went to Europe, specifically France and Italy, for Christmas this year. It was my first time celebrating in Europe and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Christmas was a special time for me. Christmas was a special time for me. I celebrated Christmas in Europe, where it’s traditionally […]

Art Movements: Rennaisance

Introduction The Renaissance was a period of rebirth and renewal in Italian culture, which began in Florence and spread throughout Europe. The Renaissance is sometimes called the ‘rebirth’ because it represented a revival of classical learning and culture after centuries of darkness. It occurred during the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries […]

Discovering Ancient Landmarks of Europe

Introduction Europe is home to many popular landmarks and historic sites, some of which are ancient while others are new. You may be familiar with these famous landmarks, but on a European trip you’ll likely discover many more interesting places to visit. Here’s a list of my recommendations for discovering […]