Introduction If you’re looking for a spicy dish that’s as comforting as it is adventurous, you should try budae jjigae. This Korean stew usually contains pork, sausage, ramen noodles and kimchi—but that’s just the beginning. Budae jjigae can also include canned Spam, hot dogs and American cheese. Although the name […]
Travel Asia
Top 10 Iconic Landmarks of Asia
Introduction Asia is a large and diverse continent, with over 60 countries. It’s rich in history and culture, but also has modern cities and resorts that are great for vacation. So which landmarks should you visit? Here are 10 iconic landmarks from all over Asia: The Great Wall of China […]
The Best And Worst Things About Living Here in Asia
Introduction Asia is a huge continent and there are many different cultures to explore. Some of these cultures are very different from what you may be used to in the west. The following list will give you an idea of some of the things that you can expect when moving […]
Why Asian Living Is More Than Meets The Eyes
Introduction Asia is a diverse continent full of rich history, culture and people. While it may seem that all Asian countries are similar, there are actually many ways to live as an Asian person depending on where you go. For example, the city lifestyle of Seoul can be very different […]
Neha Kirpal’s photograph ‘How China Sees the Western World’ wins the Templeton Nature
Introduction A photograph by Neha Kirpal titled ‘How China Sees the Western World’ has won the Templeton Nature Photography Competition for 2019. The award-winning photograph shows Beijing’s Tiananmen Square from a bird’s eye view, with hundreds of tourists on their feet and busy running towards the iconic Great Hall of […]
Flavors Of Asia
Introduction The food of Asia is rich and diverse. From Thailand’s spicy flavors to Japan’s healthful bento, each country has its own unique way of making food exciting. The next time you’re trying to decide what to cook for dinner, why not try something from Asia? Thailand: Spicy and Sweet […]
How to Find Authentic Asian Food
Introduction Have you ever heard a friend talk about having the most amazing Chinese food, only to find that their new favorite restaurant is actually a glorified Panda Express? It can be tough to find authentic Asian food in America, so I’m going to share my secrets for finding great […]
The Beauty of Asian Arts
Introduction As an Asian American, it’s natural for me to be drawn towards the art forms of Asia. From calligraphy and origami to kite flying and tea ceremonies, there is much beauty to be found in Asian arts. While there are many different types of traditional art forms from all […]
Asia: A Land of Festivals, Traditions and Culture
Introduction Asia is a land of festivals, traditions, and culture. There are hundreds of different faiths practiced throughout Asia but all share a common love of family and friends. Here are some examples: The three most important festivals in Asia are Lunar New Year, Diwali and Ramadan. The three most […]
The Asian Holiday History & Traditions You Didn’t Know You Needed
Introduction Asia is one of the most culturally diverse places on Earth. It’s home to dozens of different countries and hundreds of different languages. And with so many different cultures mixing together, it’s no surprise that Asia has its own share of holidays and traditions that aren’t celebrated anywhere else […]